Field name Synopsis Where used
accountId The admin account’s unique identifier. /accounts/{accountId} URL component /contributions request
accountName The admin account's descriptive name. /accounts/{accountId} response
address The employee's address. /contributions request
Address line1 The first line of the address. address
Address line2 The second line of the address. address
Address line3 The third line of the address. address
Address line4 The fourth line of the address. address
Address line5 The fifth line of the address. Preferably the postcode. address
api.isSupported Indicates whether the admin account is supported by the Payroll Integration API. /accounts response
api.reason The reason that the admin account is not supported by the Payroll Integration API. /accounts response
autoEnrolmentDate The date the employee is eligible for automatic enrolment rules to apply. /contributions request
autoEnrolmentStatus The employee's current auto-enrolment status. /contributions request
companyName The full, legal name of the employer. /accounts/{accountId} response
dateOfBirth The employee's date of birth. /contributions request
description A descriptive name for the worker group. /accounts/{accountId} response
earningsBasis The part of the employee’s earnings that is used to calculate pension contributions. /accounts/{accountId} response
employeeContributionAmount The pension contribution from the employee. /contributions request
employeeRefund The total value of the refunded employee contributions. /accounts/.../opt-outs response
employerContributionAmount The pension contribution from the employer. /contributions request
employerRefund The total value of the refunded employer contributions. /accounts/.../opt-outs response
employmentPeriod The date range during which the employee was part of the scheme. /contributions request
entitledToRefund Whether the employee is entitled to a refund after they've opted out. /accounts/.../opt-outs response
error status The HTTP status code for this problem. JSON API error responses
error title A short, human-readable summary of the problem. JSON API error responses
forename The employee's first name. /contributions request /accounts/.../opt-outs response
gender The employee's gender. /contributions request
hasContractualEnrolment Whether an admin account uses contractual enrolment. /accounts response
hasEmployeeAccidentOrLifeCover Whether the admin account has Employee Accident Cover and/or Employee Life Cover. /accounts response
homePhoneNumber The employee's home phone number. /contributions request
isUsingAssessment Whether the admin account relies on The People's Pension to work out who needs to be put into the pension scheme. /accounts response
middleName The employee's middle name. /contributions request
mobilePhoneNumber The employee's mobile phone number. /contributions request
nextPayReferencePeriod The start and end dates of the next Pay Reference Period that we expect contributions for. /accounts/{accountId} response
niNumber The employee's National Insurance number. /contributions request /accounts/.../opt-outs response
optInDate The date on which a non-eligible employee opts in to auto-enrolment for this employment period. /contributions request
optOutChannel The way in which the employee contacted The People's Pension to opt out. /accounts/.../opt-outs response
optOutDate The date the employee opted out of the auto-enrolment rules. /contributions request /accounts/.../opt-outs response
optOuts A list of employees who have opted out of the pension scheme. /accounts/.../opt-outs response
partialContributionReason The reason the pension contributions may not be as expected. /contributions request
payReferencePeriod The pay reference period that this set of contributions is for. /contributions request
payrollFrequency How often the employer pays their contributions to us. /accounts/{accountId} response
pensionableEarnings The amount of pensionable earnings for the employee, used for assessment purposes. /contributions request
personalEmailAddress The employee's personal email address. /contributions request
prpFrequency The pay reference period frequency. /accounts/{accountId} response
refundStatus The status of any refund payment due to the employer. /accounts/.../opt-outs response
schemeJoinDate The date the entitled employee joins the scheme. /contributions request
stagingDate The employer's staging date /accounts/{accountId} response
surname The employee's last name. /contributions request /accounts/.../opt-outs response
taxBasis The method used to collect tax relief on pension contributions. /accounts/{accountId} response
title The title of the employee. /contributions request
total The total value of contributions in the submission. /contributions request
uniqueId A value that is provided by the employer to uniquely identify the employee within the pension scheme /contributions request /accounts/.../opt-outs response
Worker Group effective The date range during which the worker group was available and had the contribution amounts specified. /accounts/{accountId} response
Worker Group employeeContributionAmount The fixed amount contributed by each employee to their pension in each pay reference period. /accounts/{accountId} response, for each Worker Group
Worker Group employeeContributionPercent The percentage of the relevant part of the employee's earnings contributed by each employee to their pension in each pay reference period. /accounts/{accountId} response, for each Worker Group
Worker Group employerContributionAmount The fixed amount contributed by the employer to each employee's pension in each pay reference period. /accounts/{accountid} response, for each Worker Group
Worker Group employerContributionPercent The percentage of the relevant part of the employee's earnings contributed by the employer to the employee's pension in each pay reference period. /accounts/{accountId} response, for each Worker Group
workerGroupId An identifier used to link employees to their worker group. /accounts/{accountId} response /contributions request
workerGroups The collection of worker groups set up within the pension scheme. /accounts/{accountId} response