Worker Group employerContributionAmount

Synopsis The fixed amount contributed by the employer to each employee's pension in each pay reference period.
Where used

/accounts/{accountid} response, for each Worker Group

This field is one of four that indicate how pension contributions are calculated for employees within a Worker Group. If this field has a non-zero value, the employee’s and employer’s pension contributions are calculated as a fixed amount, not a percentage of earnings. The worker group contribution basis must be the same for employee and employer contributions.

When contributions are calculated as a percentage of earnings this field will be zero.

Data type



A non-negative numeric value.


For contributions as fixed amounts:
"employeeContributionAmount": 800,
"employeeContributionPercent": 0,
"employerContributionAmount": 1000,
"employerContributionPercent": 0

See also



Worker Group employeeContributionAmount

Worker Group employeeContributionPercent

Worker Group employerContributionPercent